miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

A Streetcar Named Desire: Reading Journal. Blogpost n°2 - After reading Scene 5.

October 10, 2009 at 3:00am

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Delete Post Edit Blog Posts After reading Scene 5 my predictions have been confirmed, there is a lot of drama - and violence too. My favourite character so far is Stella, I admire how tolerant, pacient and nice she is to her sister. Blanche gets on my nerves, I find her very annoying and even though I don't want to justify him, I understand why Stanley treats her the way he does.
I think the stage directions are very important because they allow us readers to create a very clear idea in our minds of how the characters move in the space. The use of lights and music is interesting because it is adapted to the flow of the intensity of each scene. I also think that the songs have to do with the conflict of the moment in which they are heard.
The quotation I chose is Blanche's, in Scene 1, when she's telling Stella about what happened in Belle Reve:

-"I knew you would, Stella. I knew you would take this attitude about it!"

I think that this short quotation shows us from the very beginning how nuts Blanche is, because Stella doesn't say or do anything and her sister's already moaning for something that makes sense only in her twisted mind.

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