domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

Saving Ning Content

Further Twits!
These are some draft twits that I made before handing in Assignment N°1.

click on image to view larger

click on image to view larger

A Modern Version of the Wife of Bath.

October 9, 2009 at 12:48am
Starred by Julie Walters and Bill Nighy, this is a modern version of The Wife of Bath. These videos are part of a re-telling of The Canterbury Tales produced by the BBC.

End of the Year Post

December 24, 2009 at 1:04am

What was the most enriching/helpful/ etc aspect of this class?
I think that the articulation between Literature and Social Studies was very enriching because we could see what was going on in the world in economy, politics, etc, and how people expressed themselves at the same time, having a better and wider view of life in the world and in Britain at the different times in History.

What was the most disappointing/ useless/ etc aspect of this class?
I really must say that I didn't find any useless aspect of Literature, on the contrary, I was very happy with it because I'm very fond of Literature but I haven't got such a great knowledge about the subject and it was very enriching for my personal life.

What have I enjoyed most?
I enjoyed most our dealing with the Wife of Bath, I was really impressed with that piece of work.

What have I enjoyed least?
I would say that I didn't really enjoy dealing with the Elizabethean Sonnet, but that's just because of personal likes and dislikes really.

If I could have changed one thing about the class, what would it have been?
Being completely honest, I wouldn't change anything about the class, I really enjoyed it.

What can I do now that I couldn't do before taking this class? How am I planning to use what I have learnt?
Well as I said before, I found everything I've learnt very enriching and now I am able to look for pieces of work bearing in mind the theoretical knowled I now have.
I mean, if I go to a bookstore I have better tools to know what I want to get or read. Perhaps before I wouldn't know what to buy and just pick books from their cover or what it said in the back.
Apart from that, the way we dealt with the material can be applied to the reading of any book, which makes the reading much more fruitful.

What do I feel I haven't accomplished yet? What am I planning to do about it?
Well, to put it in a simple way I think I have yet a lot to learn about Literature and for the time being I'll do some research on my own. But in the future I'd like to do an Adscripción in Literature or perhaps the Licenciatura.
When I was at school I wanted to study Letras at Humanidades and it's still something I'd like to do, not to get the degree, but to actually learn.

What suggestions do I have for the class for next year?
I haven't got any suggestions, really. I like the way you deal with this class. Personally, I think the class was lively I didn't feel tired by its end, nor by the end of the year.

The Open Doors (Short Film Based on "The Open Window")
November 20, 2009 at 3:30pm
Today I found this short film based on Saki's short story, The Open Window. This is one of my favourite stories, I read it back in High School and then again for Language I. Vera is such a character! Well, this video is very interesting to actually see how the story develops - not only in your mind I mean. I was impressed by how they portrayed the room because it was exactly like I had pictured it. I hope you're able to see it, it's quite short really - it lasts about 8 minutes only. And hope you like it too!

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