BIOPOEM PATTERNOpenminded, rational, emotional. Somehow irreverent, yet polite.
Daughter of my mum. Sister of my sunshines.
Lover of hot baths, matching colours and naps.
Who enjoys music, thinking and speaking out loud.
Who needs a great deal of will, to wake up earlier and go to the gym!
Who needs her mum, her boyfriend and all of their support.
Who fears that she might become a loner and a bigot, and that she may not find her way in life.
Who has a good word for everything and everyone.
Who would like to see the Western Caribbean. And her country turn into a democratic place.
Proud resident of this world.
Lively, silly.
Hard-working, building, growing.
Courage, hope. Resignation, stagnation.
Underestimating, whining, disbelieving.
Slothful, silly.